Yes, let's explore what will you get in this discounted special if you sign up today
✅ Access to over 460+ highly trained teachers from North America and Canada's top montessori schools making every day content for your kids and parents activities, lessons, video logs, meta verse content coming soon.
✅ elearning portal subscription for year to help you boost their cognitive and motor skills development upto 273% as featured on Forbes
✅ Access to over 11+ Subjects including STEM, science, engineering,technology, maths, and certification for kids - you can say we are like educational Netflix for early kids
✅ Badges and Certification you can print and hang in there rooms or wardrobes
✅ Access to Live Zoom and Facebook group training once a week and over 1600+ offline recorded sessions
✅ Social network for parents to share best practices and inhouse education secrets
✅ Over 380,000+ parents and teachers connected via internal social network discussing everyday initiatives, inhouse activities from 17 countries creating high knowledgebase society of early kid parents.
✅ When you buy ECDHUB Package you also sponsor three kids education in third world ultra poor Africa, Afghanistan, and Central Asia as we have developed four free schools so far and aim to reach 10 by end of 2025.